EO - definição. O que é EO. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é EO - definição

ΕΟ; Ε.Ο.; Ι-όου
Η συντομογραφία λατινικών & ελληνικών χαρακτήρων και αριθμός EO ή Eo ή ΕΟ ή εο (στην αγγλική γλώσσα προφέρεται ι-όου) μπορεί να αναφέρεται:
Exemplos do corpo de texto para EO
1. Gates, who helped develop EO 12333, told reporters: "I‘m very satisfied with the executive order.
2. Other executive branch officials have since routinely invoked EO 464 to avoid a congressional appearance.
3. Rory Love, the chairman of the EO, said the census should be used to improve diversity in local politics.
4. Meeting in the northern mountain resort of Baguio, the justices voted 14–0 to label EO 464 unconstitutional.
5. Drilon led 17 senators in signing a petition contesting the constitutionality of EO 464 before the high court.